You don’t have time not to have no time.

Hey Hello,

Last night we wrapped up our Beginner’s Guide to Investing Webinar Series... Over the last 2 weeks, hundreds of you showed up and leaned into understanding some of the very first must-do’s when it comes to investing.

And it got me thinking about time, which is one of the most underrated components of building wealth...

To build your Freedom Fund you’re probably going to need to invest. Investing needs time to get the miracle that is compounding... Aptly coined the 8th wonder of the world, where your money earns money, and then those monies earning money.

Without it, you are going to have to do all the hard work. It’s going to take far more time.

People always say to me ‘but Jess, I don’t have time’...

I guess my honest reflection on that is, you don’t have time not to have no time.

That might feel like a smack in the face, but it’s the truth and I don’t want to sugarcoat anyone or anything into financial insecurity.

Sometimes that smack in the face is the painful thing we need to pull our thoughts together and pivot.

Because the real question to ask yourself is how important is financial security and stability to me?

Do I even want financial freedom anyway?

The answer may be no. And if that’s the case, you are part of the tiny minority. Because, over the years I have had thousands of conversations with people and almost of them would say yes, yes I really want freedom!

So, the next question is are you going to wait to have time... or are you going to make time?

Because the time you spend on it is literally going to pay dividends.

I did something last week that helped me remember that I have more time than I think I have...

I saw how much time I was spending on my phone each day... and I was horrified.

So, if you’ve told yourself you don’t have time to get onto investing, or sort out your spendy behaviour or do the financial thing you know you need to do, maybe check how long you’ve spent on your phone and get that sobering moment I had that told me, I have heaps more time than I thought, I just am not prioritising my time correctly.

Here is an example to show you how time and compounding can impact your ability to achieve financial freedom:

If you attended our Webinar Series, you might remember Jen. In this example she is 30.

If she started with $0 and invested $250 per fortnight, she would have close to $1.5mil by the time she is 65.  


But what happens if Jen utilises $30k of her savings (not emergency fund money!) & then starting her regular investments of $250 per fortnight?

With the beauty of compound interest, that invested $30k has given Jen an additional $650k by age 65!  

You can see the dark green component, which is her investment returns compounding – which ends up being the majority of how she gets to that outcome.

Of course, this is an example only and whilst this is using historical return assumptions, returns are never guaranteed.

So, is it time to make time?...



Have a money dilemma?

Money dilemmas can be a nightmare! They can leave you up all night ruminating about what to do, have you feeling alone and isolated or just plain ol' stuck. So, we are here to help. I am going to tackle one a week and give you my unbiased, no BS general thoughts on how to tackle your conundrum. We would love for you to send yours (or someone you know) in. 

Obvs all of this is general advice only... especially important to note any and all of the comments above do not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on any information, you should consider the appropriateness of the information provided and the nature of the relevant financial product having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs.