Member Love

I am so confident that if you show up and do the work, you'll have results!

Hear from some of our members about their experience completing The Greenhouse Money Growing Program.



"For almost the past 10 weeks, I have been a member of Jess’ program, “The Greenhouse” and what an incredible journey it’s been! It has honestly been the financial resource I’ve been waiting for! I have listened to podcasts, read blogs, researched all things finance and investing, but I’ve always felt there was a missing link between the knowledge I’d gained through this, and actually putting it into play and working towards securing financial freedom."


"Thank you again for an amazing course! I have learnt so much and I really think it has helped me pivot towards a better future."


"I really think this should be taught in schools, I have buried my head in the sand for so long as I thought finances were a big scary topic. Jess has made everything so straightforward and accessible I am now excited to check my balance and work towards my goals. I only wish I knew this sooner! Highly recommend the greenhouse program"


"Jess has got me feeling confident in an area that I have never understood well (and put off learning because I’ve often found it complicated and confusing). It’s been a great way to move at my own pace, set goals and be held accountable by Jess and the community group. I’ve been wanting to improve my financial literacy for so long and I’m glad I’ve kick started my journey with Jess’ Greenhouse program."


'Going through the Green House program has (quickly!) made me do a 180 with my relationship to money. Jess’ open, grounded and demystifying approach has removed the anxiety and lack of confidence I previously had when dealing with personal finances. I’m now leaning in and taking acting vs completely avoiding. Jess simplifies things and create a safe space where there are truly no stupid questions. The community vibe has been really beneficial - hearing other people’s questions, situations and progress(!) has been incredibly inspiring. I highly recommend this program & community for anyone wanting to increase their knowledge and confidence when it comes to personal finance.'


"Before starting the program I had no savings, lived pay check to pay check, bought things I didn’t need and would just tap away with my card, 10 weeks later I had savings, and a system in place to ensure my cashflow was on point, when a bill came in I wasn’t panicked (week 6 my electricity bill came and it was paid for the day it arrived and that never happens I normally have to get a payment plan or use my credit card) I had a new understanding of how to invest my money to future proof myself but also make sure my super is on track (it wasn’t when we did super week but it was two weeks later). Now after finishing the program, I have savings, money left over from each pay check and a new lease on life taking the stress I once had around my finances and not worrying about money. Take the plunge and do the 10 weeks, it’s a small investment to pay for your future!"


"I found myself saying a bunch of times in conversation in the last few months, 'huh, I learned a bit of this in the money course I'm doing, and then being able to comment on share investing, property, super, estate planning, goal setting! None of the G.H. advice is woo-woo manifest your wealth, nor is it risky buy crypto or exploitatively hand-rubbing about leveraging your 20th investment property. It's not about greed or being rich. It's about being informed and secure and supported. You are learning from women, and you get to be part of a group of others who are learning, and find out, no you are not the only one in your situation, and yes, you are doing some things ok, and yes, you can do hard things, and no, nothing changes if nothing changes. The commitment required? Dialing in with dinner on my knees on Mondays, getting through the snappy videos on weekends, even if I just could only manage to listen to them while on a drive or walk. And a bunch of reflection and digging up all those damned passwords."


"I can honestly say, as a 56 year old who has been through a few unexpected life experience (divorce / son who has severe physical and intellectual impairments). I can not emphasis how I wish I gained the insight that this course offered 20 years ago. I am not one to live in the world of 'should've / would've /could've, but at this point in time, I can't emphasis enough, nor accurately articulate how I would have loved to be acquiring this information when I was in my 20's/30s. I am not sure of whose quote I am about to steal. So I will claim it as my own: If I was in my 20/30s like a lot of members here I would rather live with the pain of discipline than the pain of regret."

Learn more about the Greenhouse House Money Growing Program

Corporate Events Testimonials

Hear from some of our corporate events about their experience from my workshops.

Freelancing Gems

"Jessica provided an insightful, energising and practical masterclass. We loved having her present to our members and hope to work with her again. We had one guest message us straight after to say THAT WAS AMAZING! and others who missed it ask for a recording as they heard it was so good. We would definitely recommend her!"

- Fleur Madden, CEO, Freelancing Gems


"Jessica delivered a series of lunchtime workshops to aid employees with Financial Literacy.   The series was insightful, easy to understand and well received. Each session had participant workbooks, and deep dive QR codes, to enable those attending to further their knowledge and participate in a practical way.  Thank you Jess for sharing your knowledge."

-Melanie Junghans, Deputy Chair NSW, Women of Westpac


"Big thank you to Jessica, who ran a really awesome financial wellbeing workshop for our team at Lyka! Your energy and insights made the session super engaging, and our pack loved it. The team really felt like we all left with some seriously useful tips for our personal financial journey. Thanks for making finance less scary and way more enjoyable - it honestly left our team wanting more. Looking forward to the next one!"

- Sara Mehmood, People Associate, Lyka

Kao Salons ANZ

"Jess Brady: a thought provoking leader in finance and a trailer blazer for women! Our Kao Salon MBE Weekender event for small business and their teams we’re on the edge of their seats seeking knowledge and skills to create independent financial well-being. Regardless of age or stage in their career, there were golden aha moments for all."

- Rita Marcon, General Manager, Kao Salons ANZ

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